The Farmers Pantry is a seasonal fruit market and outdoor education center which features Upick and We Pick seasonal fruits and produce, fresh baking and preserves, weekly educational programs, the Wildlife Interactive nature center, archery lessons, mini golf and a petting farm! Our blog will keep you in tune with the variety of exciting events that happen at the farm!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Compass and Orienteering

Saturday was our compass orienteering day! We use our orienteering course for day camps that come visit us, but we also like to have a day or two for the general public to come in and have some fun! We teach the fundamentals of what a compass is and how it works, then we do a couple of interactive exercises to get people on to using a compass properly and comfortably, and teach them situations where it might be helpful to use one. Next is the fun part! We take you on scavenger hunts through the orchard using your newly developed skills. Each step along the way is rewarded with a clue. Once all the clues are collected, we play another game using a different type of orienteering!
This Saturday started out beautiful and sunny, but then we got a bit worried when the sky got gray and it started to drizzle. Tough kids braved the weather and came out anyways, well prepared to get wet! We started out in our barn building and learned the fundamentals. The rain was nice and things dried up by the time we headed outside! The kids made the whole thing a ton of fun and I can’t wait to teach the course again!

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