The Farmers Pantry is a seasonal fruit market and outdoor education center which features Upick and We Pick seasonal fruits and produce, fresh baking and preserves, weekly educational programs, the Wildlife Interactive nature center, archery lessons, mini golf and a petting farm! Our blog will keep you in tune with the variety of exciting events that happen at the farm!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Astronomy Night In The Orchard - Round Two!

It’s that time of summer again! Blake came to visit us from the Royal Astronomical Society of Toronto to fill our night with the wonder and mystique of the cosmos. Luck is on our side this year, as both nights Blake came were beautiful and clear! One of the highlights of the night was the International Space Station cruising by! This object appears like a stunningly bright point of light moving at a rapid pace across the sky, once every 90 minutes. (Just 90 minutes to travel around the entire earth!) We also saw a few other satellites roaming around, not quite as bright, but still really neat! Another awesome highlight was Jupiter. Although it was fairly low to the horizon, you could see a large disk along with Jupiter’s four biggest moons- the ones that Galileo saw with his ancient telescope 100s of years ago! Blake also had a little laser pointer which let us easily find different constellations and key objects like Polaris the north star. The grand finale was the gibbous moon, which is just stunning no matter how many times you stare at it!
Blake visits us twice every year in the summer, so keep an eye out on our website or give us a call to find out the dates so you can book your calendar. The stars are above us each and every night, but it’s only once in a while that we take a breather and stop to look at them and appreciate them in their full glory.

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